Vince Best Practices


Thank you for trusting Vince to help you prepare for your upcoming MBA application deadlines. We have nearly 20 years of experience as one of Japan’s leading MBA consultants. Please find below some tips and best practices that we have found to be effective for past clients. We encourage you to use these suggestions as you begin your application.

Step 1 - Prepare for your first session with Vince 

Step 2 - Attend your sessions with Vince

Session A:   Application Strategy and Resume

Session B:  Essay Brainstorming and Guidance Session

Meanwhile, here is what we expect from you:

More tips here 

Session C:  Content Strategy and Development 

One school at a time 

Step 3 - Submit Other Application Materials (throughout the Application Process)

Step 4 - Submission

Step 5 - Notification and Interviews

List of School Requirements Requested for School 1 (and subsequent schools)

Please share the below information with Vince at your first Application Strategy Session (or any early-stage session other than a “Resume Production” session). 

1. First application deadline (please convert to JST ex. depending on daylight savings time, 5 PM US East Coast time is 6 AM or 7 AM the next morning in Japan)

2. Second application deadline (listed in JST) 

3. Resume requirements (note: one page is always preferred for non-executive MBA programs. Does the school specify how many lines of text are allowed?) Our best resume tips are here 

4. Application data form short answer questions (“small boxes”) that require thought, planning, and at least one review by Vince. 

We have gathered and analyzed some (but certainly not all) “small box” questions here 

Please share others with us since we cannot log in to school websites

5. Your short and long-term career goals 

6. Why do you need an MBA to achieve your career goals? (What hard and soft skills do you seek to develop at MBA? In other words, why can you NOT achieve your stated goals without getting an MBA? And why is now the best time to get your MBA? Why not next year? Why not last year?) Our best tips for answering “why MBA?” and “why now?” are here 

7. Three reasons why you feel you fit with this school’s culture Our best tips on how to understand and confirm “fit” are here 

8. A list of your strengths and weakness, both personal and professional, with a few examples of each strength and weakness

Our best tips on how to determine and share your strengths and weaknesses are here 

9. All required essay questions and word limits 

The most comprehensive database of MBA essay questions we have found is here 

If you find something better, please let us know :)

10. All optional/additional essays that you might consider submitting to this school 

Our best tips for answering optional essays are here 

11. Any notes or tips about this school’s essays or application requirements provided by admissions officers on their website, admissions blog, and/or within the application data form instructions that you will see after you register and login to this school’s application page 

We have bookmarked top admissions officer blogs here

If you find others, please tell Vince and we will add them to this list. Thank you!

12. (OPTIONAL) Any essay tips that you have found from other AIGAC members that you have found helpful as you analyze this school’s essay questions (and the questions BEHIND the questions). We suggest you start here to find some useful tips from AIGAC members 

13. Letter of recommendation (LoR) questions and word limits and any specific instructions provided by the school. First, please read our LoR tips 

Second, please find some tips that our industry organization has created to help your recommender understand the recommendation letter process. 

14. Transcript requirements: does the school require an official transcript at the time of application? Does it accept an unofficial transcript at the time of application? Does the school require the applicant to self-report his grades in the online application form and then send the official transcript at a later date. We have bookmarked transcript-related advice from some top schools here

15. Other issues of concern to you

For now, please kindly gather and provide to Vince a list all of the written application materials required for each of your target schools. Our AIGAC partner Clear Admit lists a lot of that information here on their website