Google Docs Enables Collaboration
Why we use Google Docs
I prefer using Google Docs to Microsoft Word for application materials because it is
Synchronized – Google syncs with your computer and all mobile devices
Efficient – saves time since we no longer need to download, "save as" a new version, and upload Microsoft Word files across multiple devices
Always up to date – minimizes the chance that either of us will misplace a file, leave the latest copy on another computer, or review an old version instead of the latest update
Accessible – all your files become available on the web (but you control who can view them)
Mobile-enabled – using the Google Drive mobile application, you can read, comment upon, and edit your files from your smartphone or tablet
Helpful – Google automatically messages both of us when comments have been replied to and/or open issues have been resolved
Google Docs is superior to Microsoft Word because Google automatically messages both of us when comments have been replied to and/or open issues have been resolved
While we are brainstorming and organizing ideas, other than your resume, which should remain in MS Word, please combine all application materials into one (1) single document that includes your
application data form short answers (answers to strategically important short answer questions asked in online applications)
recommendation letters (if available).
When it comes time to apply, you can remove the recommendation letters (if available) and share them with your recommenders for uploading via the online application page provided by schools.
If you have any questions, please let me know in a session.
I have used Google Docs with clients for more than 10 years.
Once they get used to it, many clients tell me they prefer it, as well.
I hope you agree.
How we use Google Docs
I do not want to spend your valuable session time managing multiple attachments.
Therefore, please combine everything except your resume into a single Google Docs file.
When you update your essays, I recommend including all drafts within a single Google Doc file.
Typically, clients maintain one Doc per school, increasing the version number for each update. This allows us to see older versions if needed, eliminates the need to track separate files, and enables us to view the same content simultaneously during Zoom calls without needing to share screens.
How to avoid Vince's "ten minute rule"
If I receive your materials 24 hours before our session, I will read and comment within our shared file.
If not, I will spend the first 10 + minutes of our session reading and commenting.
Either way, I will track my time (if you are an hourly client).
APPLICANT: Can I send Vince materials to read on the day of our counseling session?
VINCE: Yes, but if you do, please give me 10 minutes to review your materials before calling me.
You are free to send me essays and other application materials to read on the day of our counseling session. I have one request, however.
If you send me something to review on the day of our meeting, please call me 10 minutes late so that I can check everything and prepare my feedback before we speak.
If you send me something to read at 13:00 for a 17:00 meeting, please call at 17:10
Alternatively, if you send your materials by midnight the day before the session, we can start our session at the appointed time.
If you send your essays for me to read at 23:50 on Saturday for a 13:00 session on Sunday, you can call me promptly at 13:00.
Thank you for your kind understanding. Please plan accordingly.
How to share Google Docs files with Vince
First, share your files with Vince at his vince@vince email address and vinceprep _at_ gmail _dot_ com.
Depending on your goals for the session, Vince may need to spend the first minutes of our session reading your materials.
When you want Vince to check something, please copy and paste the URL (long link) and include it in your email to Vince.
Your file's URL does not change, even as you update the document.
Also, you do NOT need to create new versions of your files when you update them. Unlike MS Word, Google Docs remembers all of your past changes. For more information, please see
Therefore, you can keep updating the same file every time without creating a new one. Doing so saves time and minimizes confusion by helping ensure that Vince checks your latest version.
When it comes time to update your file, you can delete the old draft and write a new one in place of it.
If you ever need to reference earlier versions, please read these tips
If you have questions, please ask Vince in a session.
Most of all, I look forward to reading your written application materials.
HOT TIP: Google Docs now supports adding Bookmarks. Scroll to the bottom of the Insert menu, then copy the URL that Google generates. Include that URL in your email to Vince so he can read your latest updates ASAP. Thank you!