Commitments and Methods
Help you achieve maximum potential for success in this process
Commit to your success and do everything in my power to help you attain your goals
Offer depth and breadth of proprietary resources and methodologies
Remain flexible and responsive
Remain happy and healthy near deadlines by kindly requesting that our calls be voice-only during peak periods
Manage your schedule
I apologize that I cannot meet clients every day and that I need to take off some weekends for pre-existing commitments
It is therefore incumbent on you to manage your schedule and plan ahead
Book my schedule, which fills on a first-come, first-served basis
Understand and abide by my cancellation policy ➢ If necessary, requests to reschedule appointments should be made at least 24 hours in advance of the originally scheduled appointment time. Rescheduling requests made less than 24 hours prior to an appointment will be granted at Vince's discretion
Manage your content
Register for online applications and gather and share short answer questions, essay questions, and all other strategic issues related to your written application
Organize and share written application materials in Google Docs, as explained here
Give Vince at least 24 hours to review your updates before we meet
If you cannot share materials in advance, then please kindly understand that Vince will need to spend the first 10 plus minutes of the session reading and gathering his thoughts before we speak