
Do you know any counselors who can give advice on design school applications including the portfolio? No, right? Me neither, until I met with Vince.

Needless to say, he is a friendly, brilliant advisor and counselor on your essay, resume, and interviews as everybody says. However, what I would like to emphasize is his passion for giving a helping hand to applicants. He never compromises with understanding your thoughts and helping you. He is always encouraging but also down-to-earth and trustworthy. Also, for design school applicants, he has experience in the design world and can give advice on your portfolio but also introduce appropriate people using his broad network if needed.

Vince will definitely help you in every single aspect of the tough application process. Good luck.

– IIT Master of Design + MBA Class of 2021, IIT ID Scholarship

First, I like your personalized approach. You do not treat your client application at a mass mode. You give then the required attention and you get to know well their story so as to give the best tips possible.

Second, you give plain feedback. It was very important for me to hear clearly that I need to improve my presentation skills. That's something that not only I tried to work on during the application process but that undoubtedly I will try to improve during my MBA. - Admitted: MIT Sloan MBA ‘15


Vince was always honest is his feedback. Through the three interview sessions, I felt he gave the most specific but still honest feedback among other counselors. I think the reason he is capable of being so, is because he has a successful track record and numerous experience of working with diligent and unique applicants.  He can probably compare with others from previous years, so that he can give precise advice. He does not hesitate to share those findings with the applicant. Applicants that seek those specific and honest feedback should definitely seek support from Vince. - Admitted: HBS MBA ’15


Vince is good at understanding what the writer really wants to say, and making the logic/expression clear after asking some questions. Likewise, whenever I got stuck, Vince asked to-the-point questions which always encouraged me to generate new ideas.

Due to his friendly and supportive character I simply enjoyed communication with him. I want to maintain a good relationship with him even after the application process. - Admitted: Berkeley Haas MBA ‘15


In addition to his punctual attitude, professional editing skill, and customer-oriented behavior, I strongly think the following factors differentiate his service from others.

1.     Empathy

I love his natural sense of empathizing with his/her clients. Because of this ability, I really think he can share clients’’ views and experiences and do not offer an off-the-shelf solutions. As a result, he is superior at bringing out and articulate unique stories of each client. Unique stories in essays do not persuade admissions, but they do evoke empathy. And throughout my application processes, empathy is the biggest key!

2.     Flexibility

Application processes are very uncertain and sometimes you have to modify your application tactics or take a different turn in your essay. Personally, I think these behaviors are very natural to clients, because we are not only in the process of applying business schools but also in the process of redefining our life. Thus, there should be some ambivalence. However, based on my experiences, some essay counselors really dislike this modification. For Vince’s case, because he is a really experiences counselors, he understands clients’ mental situation and do not push his ego. His flexible behavior has really contributed not only to my successful application process for Stanford GSB but also the decisions for my life.  

3.     Leadership

This is a little bit tactical but very important point. In the application processes, business schools have kept asking me my leadership experiences. So leadership is a very key factor. Since leadership is any form of power influencing others to follow your lead, there are so many ways to influence others; influencing others by setting appropriate agendas in meetings, by collaboration, and by top-down approaches. Because Vince has deep understanding in this field, he can give you a very effective advice to articulate your leadership stories in essays. - Admitted: Stanford GSB Sloan Masters


I truly believe that you are the most reliable graduate admission expert. I hope that many other applicants would be guided by you to realize desired career objectives for their own happiness.

What I like most about working with Vince is his adequate advice backed by plenty of experience in helping applicants and expert knowledge of admission process.


Most importantly, his advice helped me materialize what could be my ideal career objectives. Although, I had my future career goal in my mind in the beginning, it was rather vague and was not convincing enough to be considered as strong applicant.

His advice helped me understand what could be my possible future career opportunities taking my background, personality, and school's traits into consideration.  

Consequently, I understand what my realistic career objectives are and became clear about what I  truly want to become after graduation. - Admitted: LBS MiF, HEC MBA


First, I really liked the material, video, blog posts etc...  There were very useful in demystifying the application process. Your website was so useful that I decided to contact you for one on one sessions. 

I really appreciated your reactivity, and your availability. I was great to work with someone who was easy to reach. In addition, the costs of your services were competitive and the return on investment excellent.

Regarding our work together, I feel you exactly provided me with what I was looking for. You gave me confidence, and help me manage my stress. Surprisingly none of the question we worked on showed up in my interviews, but thanks to you I was ready and fully prepared to answer coherently and briefly. More than the questions you asked me during the mock interviews the method you taught me was priceless.

Your insight on the new Wharton group discussion was extremely helpful. I was the most well prepared of the applicant according to a feedback I received not so long ago from one of the two interviewers. – HBS MBA ‘15

Stanford GSB MBA Class of 2013

1. Analysis and Practical advice


2. Professionalism and Flexibility


3. A True Partner


IESE Class of 2013

(also admitted to IE, ESADE)

Coming from a very non-traditional background (music industry), I was probably the loneliest among applicants. I was desperate for help.

Vince did not give up just by my unheard-of professional background. Instead, he changed my game.

Overall, with his strong record of getting applicants admitted to top schools, I am certain that he can help applicants coming from non-business backgrounds.

I definitely would love you to target more non-traditional clients and help them get in. Not many people can do this. You are the best.


Preparing admissions essays for MBA programs can be a lonely process, involving much introspection and contemplation. Throughout this process, Vince was an invaluable partner to me, providing objective and professional advice that was critical to my success; ultimately, I gained admissions to 5 top programs in the US, including HBS, Wharton and Northwestern’s JD-MBA program.

Initially, I was somewhat skeptical of receiving advice from essay counselors. I had been educated in the US through college and had confidence that I could pull it off all by myself. Yet, once I started working with Vince, my initial doubt quickly dissipated, as I realized the importance of having a good listener and thinker give objective feedback and advice. I could not have integrated my myriad of ideas into coherent essay portfolios without Vince’s support.

I was also impressed by Vince’s professionalism. He gave tremendous personal attention (almost to a fault!) and usually worked outside of designated time slots; I believe this separates him from other commercially-minded essay counselors.

Having advised many successful, top-notch Japanese clients in the past, Vince has an excellent understanding of the MBA application process and a keen insight into what admissions officers from top programs look for in candidates. Such intelligence could be hard to gather in Japan, where only several hundred people apply to MBA programs each year.

Last but not least, Vince possesses a dry sense of humor that made every one of my twice-a-week face-to-face sessions enjoyable.


(also admitted to Wharton)

In short, Vince Ricci:

Overall, by working with Vince, I experienced great results, good ideas for essays and strategies for interview, and a lot of networking opportunities.

Berkeley Haas Class of 2012

受験を終えた今、Vinceに出会えた幸運に感謝の気持で一 杯です。彼 の素晴らしい点は、徹底的に入学審査官の立場に立ったアドバイス、クライアントの能力を最大限に引き出すコミュニケーション技術、そ して熱いハートです。他クライアントやMBAの先輩方との交流の機会も十分に提供してもらい、非常に有益でした。ありがとう、 Vince!

Vince knows what he is doing.  And he is an extraordinary counselor.  He will fight to get you to produce every last bit of potential you have for your application.

He will help tremendously in improving your essays and your writing ability in general.  When I started, it had been a long time since I had written application essays.  My ideas were all over the place and my writing style was not very persuasive.  But Vince worked with me to brainstorm for the best ideas through serious self-reflection.  He coached me on where to focus my efforts to get maximum effect in my essays.  And through working with him I not only got help in the application process, but received valuable high level training in writing clearly and persuasively in a business context.

Vince's advice can be trusted.  I thought my chances were slim at getting into any top-10 MBA program, let alone my first choice school.  And people I talked with often gave conflicting advice.  I sometimes wondered who to listen to.  But it turned out that Vince's advice was always right on target.  He has helped people to get into their dream school in the past, and he can help you also.  As for me, I got accepted to my first choice!

Lastly, Vince is an all-around good guy.  It can be extremely difficult if you work with a counselor who doesn't understand you or if you have trouble communicating.  You should definitely choose someone you can trust and get along well with, and in this regard I would recommend Vince without reservation.

Chicago Booth MBA Class of 2011

受験生の皆さんは是非色々 なカウンセラーに会う事をお勧めします


最も印象的なのは、刺さる質問を実にいい タイミングでする、という事です。今思えば、彼とのセッションで受けた質問が、どの面接よりもタフだったと断言で きます。物事の本質を常に見極め、全体を俯瞰しつつ、自分及び自分のキャリアのどの面をどこでアピールすべきかという事について深く掘り下げているからこ そ、質問が鋭いのだと思います。1年前、私には全くそういう感覚がありませんでした。彼の質問に答えながら自分を深く掘り下げるだけでなく、彼の姿勢を学 び意識的に取り入れていく事でApplicationの質はどんどん高くなっていく事を実感しました。

そして、カウンセリングは1対1 の人間同士の交流です。ビンスに面会して彼に決めたのは、彼のスマートさと高い信念を感じただけではなく、すごく面白くて いい奴だったからです。非常に濃い時間を共に過ごしますので、こういう部分も意外に大事だと思っていましたし、実際にその直感は当たっていました。合格の 喜びを彼とShareできて本当によかったと思います。

MIT Sloan MBA Class of 2011

(also admitted to Chicago, Kellogg, and Columbia)

Vinceのカウンセリングの大きな特徴は、 「コミットメント」にあると思う。

勿論、ビジネススクール受験については、絶対合格することを確約することは出来ないが、彼の常にベスト を尽くす姿勢こそ、他のカウンセリンサービスとの大 きな差別化要因であると思う。具体例を挙げるときりが無いが、主なものを以下に示したい。

1. 固定料金

多くのカウンセリングサービスにおいては、時間に対し料金を支払うことも多く、私の知っている友人等からは、簡単な質問1つにまで時間 給を請求されている 方もいた。

一方、Vinceの場合は、エッセイ、推薦状、面接練習の全てを含めた固定料金方式となっており、生徒は都度請求 される金額を気にすることない。 Vince にとっては大きな負担であったと思うが、「時間の提供」では無く、「合格へ向けた全力のサポート」の提供を誓う彼の姿勢を強く感じる。

2. 仕事の鬼であること

Vinceは非常に仕事の鬼であり、妥協が無い。カウンセリングを申し込むと、週2時間のカウンセリング時間を確保すること になるが、本時間以外でも問題 が起きた際には顧客は自由に彼に連絡することができ、時間外の依頼であっても確りと対応してくれる。その仕事振りは、他にも顧客がいる中、いつ寝ているの かと、顧客側が心配になる程だった。

3. 柔軟性

Vinceは単なるエッセーカウンセラーでなく、顧客の状況に併せ、最適な サービスを提供する。具体的には、顧客の都合に合わせ、週2回のカウンセリング は面談型式、電話、Skype、Email等で実施でき、また、前述の通り、その他の質問事項についても、都度顧客にあわせた方法やタイミングで対応して くれ、出願直前は大変助かった。さらに、GMATやTOEFLの進捗状況等に応じて顧客のワークロード管理や志望校選定等にも応じ、個々の顧客に合致した 受験の進捗管理をしてくれる。この為、他の顧客と話した際も、みんな夫々彼のカウンセリングへの満足度は非常に高かった。

この他、 Vinceの過去の顧客の方は皆、積極的に彼の顧客へのサポートを提供しており、私自身、School Visit時やWhy Schoolを考える際には大変助かった。過去の顧客が積極的にサポートしてくれるのも、Vinceが顧客と深い信頼関係を築いてきた結果であると思う。 また、私自身、献身的に支援してくれたVinceへは大変大きな感謝をしており、今後、彼の顧客へサポートできることがあれば、積極的に協力させて頂きた い。

“Commitment” is the appropriate word to express Vince’s counseling.

Of course no one can promise results for a top business school, but his attitude to do his best made his service stand out from all other counselors. As there are too many aspects to prove his attitude, I could not point all here, but if I believe following three aspects would be enough for you to understand what I mean.

1. Fixed Fee Structure - Most counseling services charge their fee by time spent. I find out that some of the applicants had to pay a fee for making an easy question and the fee made them hesitate to ask questions or contact to their counselors frequently. However, as Vince offers full-fledged fixed-fee service (including essay counseling, LOR counseling and interview preps), his clients don’t have to care about the amount charged by time. I believe this fee structure required Vince to work very hard, but I also believe this fee structure represents his commitment: “not selling time, but providing the best effort to make things happen”. VINCE'S NOTE ADDED MAY 2011 - I NOW SELL HOURLY PACKAGES, BUT PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN FLAT FEE COUNSELING.

2. Hard Work - Vince is truly a hard-working man and has no room to compromise in his service. Whens client sign-up for his service, he or she will be secured for 2 hours of session per week. However, the clients are permitted to contact Vince whenever they want for the problem whatever they have, other than the scheduled session. Given that there are other clients, his attitude to work sometimes made me worry if he could have time to sleep!! VINCE'S NOTE ADDED MAY 2011 - I NOW MEET MOST CLIENTS ONCE PER WEEK, BUT I AM HAPPY TO MEET CLIENTS MORE OFTEN.  

3. Flexibility - Vince is not just an ordinary essay counselor. He provides necessary service or overall-application counseling based on the situation of his clients. For example, as per the request of his clients, Vince conducts the scheduled session by face-to-face, phone, skype and email. His flexibility really helped me especially when I got close to the application deadline. In addition, not only essay counseling, he manages overall process or school selection counseling based on the situation of each customer, including GMAT and TOEFL scores. Therefore, when I had a chance to talk with his other clients, most of them express great satisfaction to his service.

Other than the issues mentioned above, Vince’s past clients provided me great support especially when I visited the school and I am structuring my answer to “Why this school?” Overall, I believe the fact that Vince’s past clients tend to provide voluntary support is the biggest evidence that he have established deep relationship of mutual trust with his clients. Lastly, I would like to express my greatest appreciation to his dedicate support. If I have any chance, I am more than welcome to support him or his clients.

Kellogg MBA Class of 2011

I truly enjoyed working with Vince.

Vince was not there to correct my grammar or check my spelling (Well, of course he helped me on these, but...). Rather, Vince was there to teach me how to establish effective application strategies that vividly tell who I am and to incorporate them in my applications IN MY OWN WORDS. Vince allowed me to think independently while giving me necessary advice. He also allowed me to try different strategies while letting me maintain a competitive pace in the application process. I felt that my skills in writing applications were improving rapidly, and, by the time I started to work on second round applications, I was able to draft strong applications, including essays, by myself, on which Vince and I together made further improvements promptly in class, over the phone or online. The results clearly showed that we took a right approach.

Vince is the only counselor I have worked with; so I have no grounds to state that he is the best. However, if I had to apply to business schools again, I would definitely go back to Vince. If you are looking for the right counselor for you, I recommend that you talk with at least a couple of counselors before deciding on one. Also, I strongly recommend that you include Vince in your initial list!!

ビ ンスのおかげで、非常に前向きに受験に取り組む ことができました。

ビンスは、文法やスペル間違いの指摘に留まらず、自分をしっかりア ピールでき るアプリケーション戦略の構築方法、そして、その戦略を反映したアプリケーションを、自分の言葉で書き上げる方法を教えてくれました。有効な助言を与えつ つ、私が自分で考えることを促し、また、時間的制約のなかで、可能な限り試行錯誤する機会を与えてくれました。アプリケーションを自分で書き上げる力が伸 びていることはすぐに実感できました。セカンドラウンド向けの準備を始める頃には、エッセイを含めたアプリケーションを、自分自身の力で競争力のある水準 で書き上げることができていたと思います。さらに、ビンスは、クラスや電話、あるいはオンラインで、アプリケーションに素早く磨きをかけてくれました。私 の受験結果は、ビンスと私のアプローチが有効であったことを示すものだと信じています。

私はビン ス以外のカウンセラーの指導を受けたことはありませんし、ビンスが誰にとっても一番のカウンセラーであると主張するつもりはありません。ただ、私自身がも う一度MBA受験をするとしたら、またビンスに助けてもらおうと思います。あなたがもしカウンセラーを探しておられるのであれば、とにかく複数のカウンセ ラーの話を聞いてみることをおすすめします。その際には是非ビンスにも会ってみてください。


Tuck MBA Class of 2011

Longing for admissions to top schools, I was looking for an individual counselor who could teach me how to best market my strong points and commit himself to my success since I did not have much overseas experience. While I visited top schools in the U.S. in the spring and asked current students about their counselor experiences, I found that Vince's service met all my needs.

Vince is most excellent in drawing thoughts and personal stories from me. Brainstorming with him made me feel that I was able to respond appealingly to any essay questions of any school. At the same time, he was strict in quality of essay and never said OK unless I fully presented my understanding of culture and program of a school and showed my enthusiasm for the school. Therefore, I could submit those essays with confidence, which brought me good results.

I was so lucky to find a skilled and experienced counselor like him. Vince is sometimes strict because he keeps high standards, but I am conVINCEd that you will get closer to top schools by following his professional advice!

海 外経験のない私がトップスクールに合格するためには、私の長所を最大限売り込む方法を指導してくれるとともに、私に強くコミットしてくれるカウンセラーが 必要だと考え、個人でサービスを行うカウンセラーを探していました。春先にいくつかのトップスクールをビジットし、在校生にカウンセラーの起用経験を伺う 中で、私のニーズに合致していたのがVinceでした。

Vinceの素晴らしさは、自分の持っている考え・経 験をフルに引き出してくれる点にあります。彼とディスカッションしていると、どんな学校のどんなエッセーに対しても、競争力のあるエッセーが書ける気がし ました。同時に彼は、学校のカルチャー、プログラムを理解し、その学校に対する熱意を十分に示したエッセーでない限り、OKを出さない厳しさを持っていま す。それゆえ彼のOKを得たエッセーは自信を持って提出することが出来、結果もついて来ました。

私は Vinceのような知見・経験のあるカウンセラーに出会えて幸運でした。Vinceは時に厳しいカウンセラーですが、彼の要求に応えることが出来れば、 トップスクールへの合格は自ずと近づいてくるはずです!

Chicago Booth MBA Class of 2010

I chose Vince as my admissions partner for two reasons. First, meeting him for regular face-to-face counseling was a great advantage. Of course it was quite challenging, as I had never lived or studied outside Japan. I had to reflect on my entire life and convince Vince who I am in English. However, as the counseling proceeded, I found that I greatly improved and gained much more confidence, which helped me prepare well for admission interviews. All the more, the stimulating face-to-face dialogue with Vince enabled me to come up with many ideas which I could have never come up with on my own. And, those ideas not only helped me gain admission to business schools, but also gave me new vision for my career and life.

Secondly, I was attracted to his personality. Vince works twice as hard as anyone else to stick to the highest standards. Whenever he was not satisfied with the essay quality, even in the last minute like three hours before the final deadline, he asked me to rewrite. To be honest, I was sometimes upset about the situations and felt myself weakening. But Vince stayed with me and supported me even in the last five minutes, which enabled me to be admitted by Chicago Booth and other schools.

Finally, I would like to mention that the process of working with Vince itself is now one of my best assets to survive and thrive in MBA life. If you are a person who pursues intellectual challenges and wants to sincerely re-examine yourself through one-to-one counseling, I recommend that you choose Vince as your partner.

どうして私がVinceをパートナーとしてのカウンセラーとして選んだか、それには2つの 理由があります。第1の理由は、週2回決まった時間に彼のオフィ スでFace to Faceのセッションを持てることはとても大きなアドバンテージであり、他のカウンセラーと大きな違いです。実際、海外経験のない私にとって、彼との毎回 のカウンセリングそれ自体が大きなチャレンジでした。というのは自分の人生を振り返り、その上でVinceに「私がどういう人間か」ということを英語で説 明してわかってもらわなくてはならないからです。しかし、カウンセリングが進むにつれ、自分がとても上達して自信をつけていることに気が付きましたし、そ れはアドミッション面接のよい準備となりました。またそれ以上に、決して一人で考えているだけでは思いもつかないような、VinceとのFace to Faceの刺激的な対話の中からこそ生まれるような素晴らしいアイディアもたくさんありました。それらはビジネススクールの合格のためというよりも、私に とって今でも将来のキャリア・人生を考える上での指針となっています。

第2の理由は彼の人間性があります。Vinceは、最後まで妥協 しないで高いスタンダードにこだわり続ける人です。そしてそのために彼は人一倍働きます。 Vinceはエッセイのクオリティに納得がいかなければ、たとえエッセイ提出期限の3時間前であろうと、最後の最後まで妥協せず、書き直しを求めてきま す。正直、私自身時々そのような状況に動揺し、弱気になったこともありましたが、彼はエッセイ提出期限の5分前までも最後まで私をサポートし続けてくれま した。だからこそシカゴMBAや他の学校にも合格できたのだと思います。

最後に申し上げたいのは、私にとってVinceとのカウンセリ ングプロセス自体がいまの私の財産になっているということです。もしあなたが知的なチャレン ジを求めていて、カウンセリングプロセスで自分を見つめなおして何かを見出したいと思っているのであれば、私はVinceをパートナーに選ぶことをお勧め します。


Columbia Business School MBA Class of 2010

Vince is an unbeatable counselor who can provide the best customized service for clients based on his exceptional insight and vast experience with Top B-schools. I believe it was impossible to get admitted without him, considering my busy work and below-average test scores.

He provided me with flexible and attentive support beyond any large "yobikou" (prep. school).

Moreover, his practical advice and powerful brainstorming helped me clarify my essay topics efficiently.

At times, he seemed to think about my application far more seriously than me, which inspired me to work harder to maximize my potential to get where I am today.

Harvard Business School MBA Class of 2009

The two greatest aspects of Vince and his counseling are his capabilities to push the client to his/her best potential and his abilities to listen and cheer for the best results.

My first confident essay draft was so easily referred to by Vince as “a mess”. This pure shock hit me hard to realize that he was not there to help and support me no matter what, but was there for me to convince him (later myself and the admissions) that I could make it into business schools. The difficulty of business school preparation is fundamentally changing the mindset to think deep in who you are and what makes you valuable to an admit, and Vince was capable to push me each time I tried to slack off the process. Not to mention that without him convincing me, I would have not applied to Harvard Business School/third round, where I am now today.

Also, business school prep move forward by multiple waves. I could not always execute what I had promised Vince the week before whether it was due to work, or emotional fluctuations. Within each one hour counseling session, I sometimes spent the time just talking with Vince about what was going on in my life in general. This helped me through the tough times and kept me from completely falling apart. Vince is truly a great listener and the best cheerleader I had during my prep period.

Vinceをカウンセラーとして起用して良かった点 は、私の魅力を最大限に引き出してくれた事と、私の話をいつも聞いてくれ、励ましてくれた点です。彼の 所に最初に持っていったエッセイは自信作であった割には「it’s a mess」とコメントされ、沈没でした。駄作であったとしても、よいものに直してくれるであろうと気楽に構えていたのですが、ビジネススクール合格はそん なに簡単ではありません。まずは、Vinceを乗り越えなければ合格にたどり着かないのだなと、その時強く思いました。ビジネススクール受験の辛さは今ま でのマインドセットを変え、自分の経験と将来像を深く考え、いかにビジネススクールに進学する事が自分にとって重要なのかを合理的に追求していく事です が、ちょっと手を抜くたびにVinceが後ろから押してくれていました。HBSへ3rdでも出したほうがよいと、彼にしつこく説得してくれなければ私は今 日HBSで勉強をする事ができなかったでしょう。

ビジネススクール受験はよく言わる通りに、マラソンであり、幾度も山や谷を経験しま す。Vinceに約束したことさえも実施できない週が続く事もめずらし くありません。そんな時に彼はセッションの時間の中で、私の悩みを辛抱強く聞き、励まし、エッセイカウンセラー以上のアドバイスを下さいました。この時間 がなければ機能低下はもちろんの事、受験もあきらめていたかもしれません。Vinceは人の話を聞いてくれますし、一緒になって受験をがんばってくれま す。


INSEAD MBA Class of 2008

Vince is my comrade, my box of wisdom, my gas pedal and my set of breaks. He is focused on bringing out all your potential and fighting the battle with you. Vince doesn't just give you advice. He will reject your essays. He will tell your stories are not appealing. He will say everything that he needs to say. This is only because he knows that the essay has to be about you and he believes that you can create your own unique outstanding essay. He won't write your essay for you, which is the easy way, because he knows that it won't work.

When I was rushing my essay to meet the last intake of INSEAD, he made time for me. He introduced Skype so that we could talk when I was overseas, and tried to make everything possible happen. But just when I was about to submit the essay, he told me not to. He told me the essay was not enough to pass INSEAD, especially the final intake. I was shocked to hear this. I was even frustrated. We discussed why it was not possible. Considering my GMAT score, essay, and background, he said that I was "average". It wasn't appealing enough for INSEAD to choose me when most of the seats were filled.

He was able to make such an important decision knowing that I had spent days and nights just so that I can submit the essay in time. I am truly thankful for his strong suggestion that stopped me from making a terrible mistake and for his courage to do so in such a tense situation.

ヴィンスは、自分にとって単なるカウンセラーではなく、戦友であり、知恵の源であり、アクセルでもブレーキでもあり ました。

ヴィンスは個人の能力を最大限引き出すことに注力し、エッセーを書くという課題に対して共に戦ってくれます。単に助言をするだけ ではありません。エッセー に駄目出しをしたり、エッセーの内容が面白くないとはっきり言います。これは、書いたエッセーが本人を本当に表現している必要があり、各個人が光るエッ セーを書けると信じているからです。きっと代わりに書けば簡単なんだろうが、それをしないのは、そんな小手先の勝負では勝てないことを知っているからで す。

僕がINSEADの最後の締め切りに間に合わせるために、急いでエッセーを書いていた時、ヴィンスは忙しいなかで時間をつくってくれ ました。僕が出張で時 間をつくれないと知ると、Skypeというサービスを紹介してまで、なんとか僕を助けようとしてくれました。しかし、エッセーを提出する直前に、提出を止 められました。それはそのエッセーがINSEAD、特に最後の締め切りで合格するにはレベルが低かったからです。心血を注いでこれまで準備してきた僕は びっくりし、怒りさえおぼえました。なぜ無理という判断になるのかを長い時間議論しました。GMATの点数、僕の前職を考慮すると僕は応募者の中では「平 均」だという評価でした。ほとんどの席が埋まっている中で、INSEADが僕を選ぶにはあと少し足りないということでした。

1ヶ月半も 昼夜を惜しまずエッセーを磨き続けていた、あの緊迫した状況のなかで重要な判断を冷静にしたヴィンスには今でも感謝しています。締め切りを目指 して共に戦ってきただけに、ヴィンスにとっても辛かったと思われるその判断をしたヴィンスの勇気に敬意を表したいです。

NYU Stern MBA Class of 2009

I would not be here at NYU Stern today without Vince’s professional advice and enthusiasm.

Kellogg MBA Class of 2010

Without Vince's support, I could have never made this accomplishment. I, once again, would like to appreciate his warm, sincere, but sometimes rigorous, and patient support for last six months. Vince, thank you very much!

I feel that there are two major strengths in Vince's counseling. First, he thoroughly listens to clients and draws clients' stories and opinions. Second, his ability to understand clients' opinions from very limited sources information and keywords. I also feel that he is a well-balanced counselor; affable and hard-edged. When quality and contents of an essay is not sufficient, he is very honest and says "boring", "lack of uniqueness" and "not deep enough". But he does not just yell out, but rather he analyzes and explains why and how they are not sufficient. Then finally he gives sincere advice and some recommendations to improve.

In initial phase of our counseling, we first brainstormed my past events (Background/Accomplishments) and my thoughts for the future (Goals) thoroughly but the process was not just fun chatting. As we conducted communication at sessions, output documents, which are usable as components for many schools' essay questions, were completed step by step. Vince not only understood my past events (Background/Accomplishments) and my future thoughts (Goals) in fact basis, but also he understood my humanity and character. Without Vince's support my essays would have been"general" essays without thoughts from my heart.

Because I have tendency to put difficult and time consuming tasks aside, Vince's periodic counseling  sessions, held twice a week (either by Face-to-Face at Vince's office or by Skype) was the right speed. I had to create fair amount of output between sessions or otherwise the next session would be meaningless. Because Vince corresponds level and/or amount of my output for the next session, I was able to keep myself highly motivated.

With confidence I strongly recommend Vince's counseling. Applying to a top MBA program is indeed a long and harsh process, but if you choose to walk along the process with him, I firmly believe that you will always feel an excitement and the sense of accomplishment and then ultimately you will be satisfied with a successful result.

Vinceの支援なくして合格はあり得なかったと強く感じています。この約半年間優 しく、温かく、時に厳しく、時に辛抱強く私の出願プロセスを支えてくだ さったことを改めて感謝します。本当にありがとうございました。

Vince のカウンセリングスタイルで特に優れた点は2つあると感じています。まずはじめに、クライアントの話を徹底的に聞きだす姿勢を常に持っている事。次にクラ イアントが伝えた限られた情報やキーワードを的確につかみその内容を理解する点です。またVinceは優しさと厳しさを兼ね揃えた非常にバランス感覚優れ たカウンセラーだと思います。エッセーの質や内容が悪いときは正直に「つまらない」「オリジナリティがない」「深堀が足りない」等をはっきり伝えます。し かしそれは一方的に言い放つような形ではなくクライアントがなぜそう書いたのか、何を伝えたいのかを彼なりに分析をしたうえで、彼なりの真摯なアドバイス として伝えてくれる形です。

カウンセリングを始めた当初はエッセーを書くというよりは自分の過去 (Background/Accomplishments)と未来(Goals)を徹 底的にブレインストーミングするというスタイルでしたが、単なる「おしゃべり」に終始することなく、セッションを進めるごとに各校のエッセーに活用できる 形のアウトプットが徐々に出来上がっていきました。ブラインストーミングを通じVinceは表面的な点だけでなく、自分の過去 (Background/Accomplishments)と未来(Goals)に加え人間性や性格をも理解したうえで、エッセーを組み立ててプロセスを 進めてくました。もしVinceが支援をしてくれいなかったら、私のエッセーは深堀が足りない、オリジナリティがない、「ハート」がないエッセーになって しまったと思います。

Vinceとのカウンセリングセッションは非常にスピード感があり、面倒なことや難しいことを後回しにする性格を 持っている自分にとって必ず週2回セッ ション(VinceのオフィスでのFace to FaceまたはSkype)を行うことは非常に効果的でした。次のセッションまでにある程度の分量とレベルをもった自分のアウトプットを出さないとセッ ションの意味が全くなくなってしまうのです。こちらの要求度高ければ高いほど、インプットが多ければ多いほど、Vinceはそのレベルに応じて対応してく れるので、私はモチベーションを常に高く保つことができました。

MBA受験をこれから検討されている方にVinceのカウンセリング自 信を持ってお勧めします。長く厳しい出願プロセスですが、Vinceと一緒進めば常 に達成感、そしてワクワク感をもって取り組むことができ、最終的には満足行く結果が待っていると信じています。

Kellogg MBA Class of 2008

Vince was an expert in objectively analyzing and identifying parts of the essays where it was vague or confusing to someone who would have little knowledge of me. Considering how little time an MBA administrator may have looking through my essay, Vince was truly helpful in crystallizing my ideas and assisting me in creating comprehensive essays. I also enjoyed his amiable personality and I always had a lot of fun during my counseling sessions.

客観的にエッセイを読 んでどの点が不明瞭で解り難いかを的確に探すことがビンスは長けてました。MBAアドミッションの人たちが限られた時間の中で自分の エッセイを評価することを考えると不明瞭な点を具体化し、エッセイを解りやすくするビンスの改善案は非常に助けになりました。また、性格も親しみ易かった ので気を楽にしてカウンセリングに臨めたことも満足しています。

Most MBA applicants are looking for admissions counselors with deep knowledge and experience. Of course, those issues are important but what mattered most to me when I was looking for my "partner" was trust. I needed to confirm that we could work together as a team to struggle together for half a year and win at the end.

I was so lucky to get acquainted with Vince in my MBA preparation and now I truly believe that without him, I would not have received an admission offer from Stanford GSB. Many thanks!

知識と経験 こそ、多くのアプリカントがアドミッションカウンセラーに対して期待していることだと思いますが、私の場合は、それ以上に重視したことは、「そ のカウンセラーと、しっかりとした信頼関係を築くことができるか」ということ。半年にも及ぶアプリケーションの準備期間を一緒に戦っていくわけですから、 お互いの信頼なしでは、それを乗り切ることは出来ません。その意味では、自分の場合はVinceに出会えて本当にラッキーでしたし、彼がいなければ、自分 が Stanford GSBに合格することもなかったでしょう。いろいろと、ありがとう!


Berkeley Haas MBA Class of 2009

Vince was the best guide for writing strong essays by giving advice in terms of viewpoints, such as

He was a moderate and sincere person with his impressive engaging smile and tons of his cutest son's pictures on the wallpaper of his PC.

Most importantly, he never forgot that his core role was to give discerning advice and constructive feedback during the session. His counseling service based on seasoned experience and well-balanced perspective will definitely help you solidify your essays.

Vinceは、「このエッセイが的確に質問に答えているか?」、「この人物や経験が学校に とって魅力的であり有益なものに映るか?」、「エッセイが具体的 であり、また専門外の人にとっても分かりやすいものか?」といった観点に立ったアドバイスをくれることにより、より強力なエッセイを書くための最高のガイ ドでした。彼はいつもは穏やかで誠実な人柄で、愛嬌のある笑顔とPCの画面いっぱいのかわいい彼の息子の写真が印象的ですが、カウンセリングセッションで は常に深い洞察に基づいたアドバイスと建設的なフィードバックをしてくれました。豊富な経験とバランスのとれた視点に基づく彼のカウンセリングは、エッセ イを強固なものにするために必ずや役立つものになると思います。


UCLA Anderson MBA Class of 2009

Vince was a true counselor and a coach. I would go into his session feeling worried, lost and not even sure what I wanted to say in my essay. Vince always dug deep, found some logic in my scattered thoughts and shed light to how I can strike a balance between ambitious goals and a realistic consistency in my essay. He never forgot a pat in the back too. His words of encouragement, “hang in there-you can do it!” helped me believe in myself and hang tough in the hardest moments.


UCLA Anderson MBA Class of 2008

It is my honor to write testimonial for Vince Ricci, surely one of the best consultants in the world…. especially for Japanese. I worked for three months with him writing essays, and got admission from one of my dream school, UCLA Anderson.

Even now, I sometimes happen to read my first draft for the application --- honestly, if I were a consultant, one word will come up to my mind: “hopeless”. Vince, you are the man. You are the magician who knows the secret to how to boost the worst essay in the world to MBA level.

I think Vince is one of the rare consultants who shares the actual point of view of actual MBA admissions staff. His advice is always clear and he point outs problems efficiently. At the time I was working with him, I had no idea whether he was right or not, but as far as I see the schools I was admitted, it seems he was 100% right. I got admission from the schools with the application that he gave me “A” or at least “A-“and got dinged from the schools he gave me under “B” s.

Another point and reason I highly recommend Vince as an advisor is that he never gives you simplified answers. He just leads you to think, and come up to your own thoughts and words. He is an expert at coaching and pushing people….. I even didn’t realize I was redoing the whole essay for Anderson for 100 times (may be little less than this). It was wonderful explore going deep into my mind with such an experienced guide.

Vince Ricciという素晴らしいコンサルタントの推薦文を書かせてもらえる機会を頂き、光栄です。彼には3ヶ月間、エッセイ作成に付き合ってもらい、最終的に は私のドリームスクールの一つであったUCLA Andersonからの合格を勝ち取ることが出来ました。今になって、一番初めに書いたエッセイのドラフ トを読んで思うことは「もし私がコンサルタントだったら、どう指導すれば良いか途方に暮れるだろうなあ」ということです。Vinceはそんなどうしようも ないエッセイをMBAに合格可能なレベルにまで引き上げてくれた恩人です。

Vinceをお勧めする理由はいくつかありますが、先ず第一 には、彼がアドミッションの目線を持った数少ないコンサルタントの一人であるということでしょ う。彼のアドバイスはいつも明確で、私のエッセイの問題点を的確に指摘してくれました。当時は、正直「こいつ、本当に信じて大丈夫なんだろうか」と半信半 疑だったのですが、合格した学校、不合格だった学校を見る限り、信用して良かったんだな、と後になって分かりました。彼が「A」あるいは「A-」と及第点 をくれたエッセイを送った学校からは全て合格を貰い、「B」といまいち、という評価を受けたエッセイの学校はことごとく不合格だったのです。。。。

Vince をアドバイザーとして推薦する理由としてもう一つ挙げられる点があります。若干矛盾するかもしれませんが、彼は、エッセイの内容、書き方につい て決して答えを教えてくれません。自分で考え、自分の言葉でエッセイを書くことを非常に重視します。Vinceは、人を炊きつけ、やる気にさせる達人なの でしょう。Andersonのエッセイを書いていたときには何十回も書き直していることに気付かない程でした。Vinceとの作業は、自分について深く洞 察する素晴らしい経験だったと今でも思います。

長々と書きましたが、カウンセラーとしてのVinceは私も自信を持ってお勧めできま す。そして彼にカウンセリングを頼もうと思われるのでしたら、是非、 彼と出来るだけ親しくなってみてください。Vinceはカウンセリングの相手のことを知れば知るほど、より良いアドバイスをすることが出来る、そんなスタ イルのカウンセラーです。そうすれば、きっと納得する結果が得られるでしょう。後悔は絶対しません。私も保証します。

Wharton MBA Class of 2009

Vince was the best guy I met in my application processes. He is always rigorous and supportive. Best of all, he provides order-made counseling for each client. In my case, he bridged the gap between my subjective view and the objective perceptions from MBA admission officers.

Actually, my first draft was horrible. He tried to find my core message and helped me to make the main idea visible and vivid. After that first draft, he was always besides me.

I know it was a hard process because my background was entertainment. It was challenging to persuade MBA admissions with only my uniqueness. He explored the latest news related to my industry and challenged me every time with those perspectives. Through this comprehensive process, I could deepen my essay highlighting both uniqueness and solid business aspects.

Finally, I got four interview offers out of five top schools I applied to. Vince not only guided me to get admitted but also granted me the opportunity to build my analytical foundation, which I am now developing at Wharton.


Wharton MBA Class of 2009

I would describe Vince not as a counselor, certainly not as an editor, but as the best partner in preparing the application materials. One of his strengths lies in his ability to suggest creative ideas.

Whenever I had trouble coming up with ideas in writing essays, he always helped me by suggesting several different approaches to essay questions, with deep understanding of his clients and an objective view about how each approach would be interpreted by admissions officers. Also, his advice greatly improved my essay in tone, clarity and conciseness.

Finally, it was really fun to work with him. During the busiest days before deadlines, I would meet him once a week. Though the process of writing and re-writing essays was arduous, I enjoyed meeting and discussing with him. Our relaxed but very stimulating discussions always gave me new ideas and motivation to improve my essays further.

Vinceは、単なるカウンセ ラー、いわんやエッセイエディターなどではなく、MBAアプリケーション準備におけるベストパートナーだと思います。彼の強 みの一つは、クリエイティブなアイディアを提案する能力です。私がエッセイを書く上でアイディアに困ったとき、彼はいつもいくつかのアプローチを提案して くれました。彼の提案はクライアントである私自身に関する深い理解と、アドミッションオフィサーにはどう映るか、という客観的な視点に基づく、適切かつ示 唆に富むものばかりでした。また、彼のアドバイスにより、エッセイのトーンや明瞭さ、簡潔さを大幅に改善することができました。最後に、彼のアドバイスを 受けながらアプリケーション準備を進めていく過程はとても楽しいものでした。最も忙しい時期には週に1度Vinceに会っていたのですが、彼とのディス カッションはリラックスしつつも刺激に富む有意義な時間で、エッセイの質をより高めようという意欲とアイディアをいつも与えてくれました。


Duke Fuqua MBA Class of 2010

Vince was my best partner and “the catalyst”. He showed me outstanding passion and diligence during entire process of my MBA application. He helped me not only get into one of the top schools, but also attain some of the core skills I am using now to survive at Duke.

Vince has high integrity in his strategy and approach to pull excellent essays from his clients. He never let me use “commodity” stories. Instead, he focused on helping me to deeply dig into myself and extract the most memorable episodes from my life and career. His criticism and advice on my essays, which are sourced from his deep and broad experiences as an essay consultant and as an educator, were always insightful and valuable to recognize level of quality, and degree of uniqueness of the contents, and next direction to go in my overall strategy.

It was phenomenal that he memorized all of my background he learned through the discussions precisely and vividly in detail, and he was always ready to discuss every detail on my essays. Also, he opened many channel to keep our discussions, e-mail, Skype, mobile, office meeting, even in Christmas, New year and other holidays, I could reach him at any time if I could not attend regular meetings. I was completely satisfied with his tireless dedication and his high standard professionalism, and was also charmed his amiable, warm-hearted personality. Without his encouragement, I could not run through all the harsh pathways to finally gain admission.

Last but not least, his interview training program was also valuable and insightful. He helped me to prepare best strategy for the interview, such as “brief concise response”,” topic and example pick”, “best balance between professional issue and personal issue”, and “contingency plan”. There were certainly different skills required to manage interview with native speakers, but thanks to Vince I could attain highly effective skills to persuade interviewers.

For future applicants, I highly recommend you to choose Vince as your partner. He will drive and boost you toward your ultimate goals.


Duke Fuqua MBA Class of 2009

What I appreciated most about working with Vince was that he completely understood the MBA application gauntlet, but more than that, he also took the time to understand my specific needs. With honest criticisms such as, "…it just isn't impressive," Vince knew it was imperative that I be reminded to push myself outside of my comfort zone to achieve my full potential.  He also gave me support when I just needed a friend to lean on for advice. Even though I was on the other side of the world and we worked together entirely via Skype and e-mail, Vince's ability to help me shape my application to be the best that it could be did not waver.

Vince proved how well he knew me and how well he knew the MBA landscape when he suggested a path I had never even considered.  During one of our many conversations Vince suggested that I investigate the Duke MBA program because he thought it would be a good fit for me. I soon learned that Duke offered exactly what I was looking for in an MBA, so I decided to follow Vince’s advice and apply.  

As a result of working with Vince I was fortunate enough to have to choose where to pursue my MBA. I can never thank Vince enough for the success he helped me achieve through the application process and for pointing me toward what I now know is the perfect MBA program for me!


Video Testimonials are here http://bit.ly/VinceTestimonials

I used Vince for second opinion service prior to turning in my application. My essays were already complete. I felt confident with my answers and didn’t see any room for change or improvement. He managed to change my answers by challenging me to think alternatively and come up with other answers.

Vince asked me to submit alternative answers that would distinguish me from other candidates. We did a brainstorming session where we looked at the different topics’ pros and cons.  That was very helpful. I changed two of my answers based on his suggestions.

I subsequently used his interview session. Vince is very good at evaluating face-to-face communication skills. He helped me to prepare some tough questions and worked on my weaknesses. I highly recommend his service. - INSEAD MBA '14